Built to give homes to Veterans in Burns, Oregon, this 20 unit affordable housing project is scheduled for completion in 2024. We're thankful for our partners Harney County Senior Center for the opportunity to bring more affordable housing to our neighbors in the Northwest.
The Burns Veterans Village is a 20-unit development of one-bedroom townhome units for Veterans in Frontier Oregon, earning 30%-60% of the area median income (AMI). This development will serve low and very-low-income Veterans in Harney County through reduced rents, amenities, and resident services. The development is a response to the unique needs of low-income Veterans in Frontier Oregon as identified by the Developer, the Harney County Senior and Community Services Center.
Trauma-informed design principles contributed to the planned development, with exterior entrances (no corridors) and many units with multiple entry and exit options. A large, central courtyard will provide a community gathering place for residents to spend time outside and promote community building. A separate community building offers indoor space for residents and service providers to meet individually or as a group. In addition, the Harney County Senior Center, Veterans Service Officers, and other local organizations will provide comprehensive resident services.