Juniper & Huckleberry Apartments

420 NE 147th Ave, Portland, OR 97230

Built to give homes to low income individuals and families in Portland, Oregon, this 104 unit affordable housing project was completed in 2020. We're thankful for our partners Relay Resources for the opportunity to bring more affordable housing to our neighbors in the Northwest.

27th Avenue Apartments Rendering
who benefits
Development partners
Relay Resources
Number of Units
Parking Spaces
sF Community Space
Affordability Limits
60% AMI
Oregon Housing and Community Services
Finance Partner
Community Partner
Latino Network
Finance Partner
Community Partner

Description of Project

The Juniper and Huckleberry Apartments are a scattered site affordable housing development sponsored by Portland non-profit organization Relay Resources. Between two sites, just blocks from each other, this development brings 104 units of affordable family housing to the Hazelwood neighborhood in SE Portland. Residents benefit from the close proximity to public transportation, including the MAX Blue Line, and other amenities including parks, shopping cents, and entertainment districts.

Who is Being Supported

  • Low income families and individuals

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Home First Development Vision

Access to safe affordable homes for every person in the Northwest.